Cottered Life

Cottered Art Exhibition

Cottered Church Church Lane, Cottered, Herts

Free event.   Two days of artistic talent displayed in Cottered Church.  Some very exciting pieces on show.  Come and view. Come and buy.   What else are you going to do on a rainy weekend in October? There will be tea, coffee and cake too. It's worth coming just for the cake!

Parish Communion

Throcking Church

Parish Communion at Holy Trinity Church, Throcking from 11.00 - 11.45

Remembrance Sunday Service

Join the Remembrance Sunday service at St John the Baptist Church, Cottered  from 10.50 - 12.30

Cottered Crafters

Come along to the first meeting of Cottered Crafters.  Whatever your craft, you will be welcome.  Meeting at 7.30 in Cottered Church on the 2nd and 4th Mondays every month.  A friendly group who are happy to share  ideas and skills.

Local Artist Solo Exhibition

Jack Geraghty, young local artist, has a solo exhibition at the Candid Art Trust, 3 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NQ.  Only 5 minutes from Angel Underground Station.    A definite date for your diary.

Morning Worship

Cottered Church Church Lane, Cottered, Herts

Join the morning worship at St John the Baptist Church, Cottered  from 11.00 - 11.40

Cottered Horticultural Society AGM

Village Hall Cottered Village Hall, Hertfordshire

Come along to the Village Hall for the Horticultural Society's AGM.  Enjoy a glass of wine and find out what's happened this year and what's in store for next year.

Cottered Christmas Market

Cottered Church Church Lane, Cottered, Herts

After last year's success, Cottered Church will host a Christmas Market again this year.   There's a lot of talent in the village so come along and bag a bargain.

Parish Communion

Throcking Church

Parish Communion at Holy Trinity Church, Throcking from 11.00 - 11.45

Parish Communion

Cottered Church Church Lane, Cottered, Herts

Join the Parish Communion at St John the Baptist Church, Cottered  from 11.00 - 11.45

Morning Prayer

Cottered Church Church Lane, Cottered, Herts

Join the morning worship at St John the Baptist Church, Cottered  from 11.00 - 11.40