Cottered Life

Our Churches
St John the Baptist and Holy Trinity

Two churches in one parish

The two churches are among five parishes that form the United Benefice of Ardeley, Benington, Cottered with Throcking and Walkern.

Holy Trinity

Throcking Church


Holy Trinity Church dates from the early 13th century. It is a small church with no chancel arch, a step dividing the nave and the chance area. The stained glass east window depicts scenes of the Good Shepherd. More below: 

St John the Baptist

Cottered Church


The large mid-14th Century Church has become the visual symbol for Cottered as its slender spire rises up above the surrounding  trees.

The church is dedicated to St John the Baptist. More below

Five churches to juggle

There are five churches sharing the same priest. Worship services are held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month in Cottered. On the 3rd Sundays at Holy Trinity Throcking.

You can keep up to date on our events calendar.

Throcking Church Facebook page

Priest in Charge:

Mark Bailey

The Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Ardeley is Rev Mark Bailey, who lives in Cottered Rectory with his wife Sue. Mark can be contacted at 01763 281052

Cottered Churchwardens are: Kathy Cassels 01763 281465 and Leslie Greensmith  01763 281475

Cottered Church Facebook page

Click pic to enlarge

Friends of Cottered Church

The Friends are responsible for the upkeep of the two churches. And their fund-raising events add immensely to the village calendar.  If you would like to join them …
Contact: Simon Cassia 01763 281381

Holy Trinity Church, Throcking

Continued… The upper part of the tower was rebuilt in 1660 by Sir Thomas Soame, son of the Lord Mayor of London. Sir Thomas married Joan Freman from Aspenden and both are buried in a vault beneath the nave floor.

The first known Rector is Richard de Cruce Roheis in 1216. From then the patronage descended with the Manor and then to Rev William Adams who used his own money to re-roof the building, repair and replace the pews to match the 17th century design. When he died in 1878, he left £500 for ‘beautifying and repairing’ the church. An organ chamber and vestry were added, the nave windows were filled with tinted glass, a pulpit and lectern of wainscot oak erected and deal pews replaced with those made of oak.

The church once had three bells in the tower but, by 1700 only one remained. This was recast in 1855.

St John’s interior – click pic to enlarge


Protestant non-conformists were allowed to worship in their Meeting Houses if those houses were licenced. The first licenced Meeting House in Cottered was in 1691. Eight years later, two further houses in Cottered gained licences for worship. In total, five cottages were licenced. A small plot of land to the rear of the cottages opposite The Bull, was once the burial ground for the local Quakers. 

St John the Baptist Church, Cottered

Continued… Its origins can be traced back to the mid 14th century, the oldest part of the current church being the church tower. According to an early 15th century reference, the church was, at one time, dedicated to St Mary. The earliest known priest was Rev William of Canterbury, 1238.

The circular shape of the churchyard indicates the possibility of a pre-Christian site but it is believed that a church my have existed as far back as the 12th Century.

It has been suggested that Cottered was on a pilgrimage route to Walsingham which may explain the mural of St Christopher, Patron Saint of travellers, that can be seen on the wall opposite the main door.

The church has been extended and renovated several times in its history, with the current configuration credited to major renovations between 1915 and 1925 .

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